Seasoned with an Accent _The Voice of the Global Professional
Seasoned with an Accent _The Voice of the Global Professional
Growing Confident kids with a Solid Identity Abroad - Interview with Cornelia Asanger-Lexa
A citizen of the world, having lived in Austria, Germany, France, Switzerland, and Sweden, Cornelia Asanger-Lexa is an HR professional who transitioned into Executive and Parenting Coaching and has served the global community for more than ten years. She is a proud mother of three TCK (Third Culture Kids), now in their teens.
At Global Parenting, she offers a phenomenal coaching program for expat parents of TCK. In our interview, she explains how parents can help their kids transition into a new culture and deal with being “the different kid on the block.” Her focus is to raise TCK kids with a solid identity and help parents understand the long-term effects, pitfalls, and benefits of a globally mobile lifestyle, navigating this journey with greater awareness.
As a mother of TCK myself, I learned a lot from Cornelia, and I know that all parents out there will greatly benefit from her advice! Don’t miss it!
#coaching #parenting #kids #expats #livingabroad #immigrants #tck