Seasoned with an Accent _The Voice of the Global Professional

Adaptação ou Assimilação: What is the Difference?

December 13, 2021 Erica Yanney

If you want to learn how to develop positive relationships with people from other cultures, this interview is for you!

Originally from Morocco, Hamza has lived worldwide, learning languages and interacting with various cultures. He is a polyglot, serial entrepreneur, LinkedIn Local co-host, coach, and co-author of AFRICATELLING – a very engaged and connected professional. He is also the founder of TURAATH whose mission is to invite people to self-development, self-discovery, and communication improvement, enhancing clarity, authenticity, and empathy.

He discussed the fine lines between adaptation and assimilation. We talked about applying our cultural intelligence to deal with different beliefs, values, identities, and customs and how to develop positive and healthy relationships despite cultural differences without abandoning our original cultural identity. LinkedIn Local also came up as an opportunity for immigrants to develop their new network in their new country. 

Fascinating reflections!

His challenge to all of us: “Be authentic!”

You can’t miss this one! Practical applications to all, regardless of origin!

#diversity #inclusion #belonging #cultures #authenticity #culturalsensitivity #culturalintelligence #internationaljobs #networking