Seasoned with an Accent _The Voice of the Global Professional

Keep the Dream Alive, Don't Settle for Less

September 01, 2021 Erica Yanney Season 1 Episode 12

Are you settled in your comfort zone? Came abroad full of dreams but became content with some extra comfort and stopped growing? "Keep the dream alive, don't settle for less," says Dr. Ramini.

Dr. Shiva Ramini is a scientist from India who came to the United States to pursue a Ph.D. in Physics 15 years ago. He worked in the corporate world in forefront biotech companies for many years. Nowadays, he is also a consultant and entrepreneur.

He is a great believer in mentoring. He attributes his success to the great mentors who motivated him to establish a positive mindset and move towards professional growth. In this interview, he reflected on the immigrant mindset and attitudes that can make or prevent the success of immigrants and the struggle to conciliate the values of your original culture and your new one.

If you need a push into professional growth in your life, listen to this thoughtful interview!