Seasoned with an Accent _The Voice of the Global Professional

You Can do it! – How to Advance your Career Abroad _ Interview with Marta Wladyczka

September 01, 2021 Erica Yanney Season 1 Episode 2

Do you aspire to grow in your career? Are you feeling discouraged because you are an immigrant? Then listen to Marta Wladyczka, Director of Inventory and Acquisition for a forefront hospitality corporation. 

Born in Poland, she has lived in the United States for almost 30 years. In this interview, she talked about her journey of Career Advancement, from a minimum wage entry-level job to director of a major corporation, managing a budget of millions of dollars. She didn't know any English initially, but with guidance, education, and self-determination, Marta thrives!

Don't miss that interview, immigrant; she has excellent advice on advancing your career abroad!