Seasoned with an Accent _The Voice of the Global Professional

An Immigrant Journey that Led to Selfless Servant Leadership

February 17, 2022 Erica Yanney Season 2 Episode 3

Katrijn van Oudheusden is a coach for (aspiring) servant leaders. Originally from Belgium, Katrijn grew up as an expat child in Bangkok, Thailand. With over 20 years of international experience as a coach, management consultant, and organizational development professional, she has focused her coaching practice on guiding leaders toward authentic, effortless, and selfless leadership, using a unique online process that applies 16 tested practices from world wisdom traditions. 

Katrijn has completed personal coaching and non-dual coaching training – Byron Katie's School for The Work – as well as systemic organizational development qualifications. Her coaching is based on her understanding of non-dual approaches, emphasizing the unity of all existence. 

In this interview, she shared how her expat experience shaped her life, how servant leadership can be applied in intercultural settings, and how expat leaders can use the tools of selfless leadership to see other perspectives without cultural filters thriving through expanded awareness of our connectedness to the world. 

Great reflections for any leader! 

#servantleadership #leadership #coaching #culturalinteligence #crossculturalcommunication  #internationaljobs #ESL